Portfolio Management

Need to open new accounts? Manage multiple model sleeves in a single account? Rebalance specific strategies across multiple accounts? Get access to all your client portfolios from a single platform and execute decisions in seconds with CircleBlack.
Portfolio Management

Execute financial decisions in seconds

6 hrs

time saved per week on client portfolio tasks


increased revenue billing held-away accounts


data accuracy rate

Execute financial decisions in seconds

6 hrs

time saved per week on client portfolio tasks


increased revenue billing held-away accounts


data accuracy rate

Everything you need to manage and grow your client accounts in a single dashboard


One-click access to trading and rebalancing

Through CircleBlack's deep integration with Blaze Portfolio, advisors can establish trading parameters, execute trades, and manage trading scenarios to keep portfolios aligned with individual client investment strategies.

Advanced risk assessment

Monitor risk at a glance across client portfolios by viewing Actual Risk vs. Target Risk Scores. Through CircleBlack's Nitrogen integration widget, you can actively monitor client accounts with ease.

Meet your clients' financial planning goals and exceed expectations

Make informed portfolio decisions and provide personalized financial advice to optimize performance, increasing client satisfaction. Having the most comprehensive view of a client's complete financial picture, combined with the right advisor tools, enables advisors to make the best portfolio decisions for each individual or household.

Stay informed of critical portfolio shifts with WealthAlerts®

Don’t get left scrambling to rebalance your client’s portfolio days after market shifts. WealthAlerts® keep advisors informed of critical changes and opportunities within client portfolios. You also get reminders when adjusting portfolios to align your actions with client goals.
Diversified Capital Group
CircleBlack gives me a clear way to measure account performance against different benchmarks and to provide clear explanations to clients. The software has made the experience of working with clients a lot more seamless.
Ben Treece
Senior Advisor
San Blas Securities

Frequently asked questions

Hidden Accordion

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Do you offer GIPS-compliant reporting?

CircleBlack offers both time-weighted and dollar-weighted return calculations.

Can I modify transactions?

Not currently.

Can I open accounts directly through CircleBlack for my clients?

Accounts must be opened at your custodian first. After, you can integrate those accounts into CircleBlack.

How complex is CircleBlack to use?

CircleBlack is intuitive to navigate and easy to use. And if you ever feel stuck, you can contact your dedicated Customer Success rep for additional support.

How quickly can I get started with CircleBlack?

We’ll schedule your first onboarding call a few days after you sign the agreement. After, system access varies by custodian but typically takes a few weeks. However, we can add ‘dummy data’ into the platform to get you started faster.

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